The Election Season

element5-digital-1126202-unsplash.jpgPoliticians…they run the country ,decide what’s best for us and try to make sure we live in an peaceful environment. But for me a politician is someone who looks for trouble where there is peace, and finds a remedy by harming the people in the situation. They are at their worst when it’s time for election and unfortunately its getting closer. Don’t we just love the unrealistic promises, jobs, equality for all gender, better facility and all the other BS that we know won’t happen but then to elect the same idiots over and over just so we can complain about them over and over again.

As election is getting closer it’s a really dangerous period for the economy as the ruling party tends to make huge spending on sectors or location to get votes from the specific people or races which they lack and this causes an adverse effect on the economy. Government spending is necessary but it shouldn’t be for a hidden agenda or with strings attached but only with a sole purpose of progress and welfare in mind. Election campaign of so called statesman is literally a lying contest with the elected individual as the biggest liar.

People like me rant on the issue but on the positive side elections are the key to democracy as a world without it would lead to competitive authoritarianism and we know that’s not a good idea from the past. We are responsible for choosing our leader who will not be in charge but care about people in their charge. Election is not a reality contest where the you vote the most popular guy but where guy who makes most sense and who supports your views should get the votes. Look past the jaw and insults of the politicians and vote for the guy who really wants to make a difference instead of a guy who is will to build a hospital with no doctors just to get into the office.

As Abraham Lincoln said

Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.

Elect the right person and the nation shall progress with the full backing of the people or get burned down the ground with no unity among its masses. The ball is in our court as it always has been, its upon us now to make the right choice or the popular one.

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